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So yeah, we're still taking a detour from our regular review schedule to cover, uhh...things. I promise I'll try not to make th... Personal Blog Update #2 now, uh, I guess...the first two days after and how I turned $50 worth of Nerf blasters into $5 worth of Nerf blasters!

...*le sigh* it's times like this I regret abandoning the veil of anonymity I had.... ...I'm not even kidding when I say...t... We interrupt this Freaky Friday review for something completely different and...very important and personal....

I mean, I know most of you (which at this just Spongey and Mike and...yeah that's pretty much it) think Andi Mack is the best... To Paraphrase Jim Sterling, Andi Mack has an Andi Mack problem

It's a fictionalized, YA-version of some of the experiences I've talked about on this blog and indeed the circumstances that lead to... So I wrote a book

I've disappeared and reappeared so many times at this point, I think it's becoming a cliché. The last time you heard from me, I wa... Mike's Update

It's a cow! MOOO! Well if I'm going to spend an entire post bashing Andi Mack I might as well review an episode I really like - wh... Andi Mack Reviewed: S2E13/14: Cyrus' Bash-Mitzvah!