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Fuck it, I'm sticking to the tradition of not allowing garbage to be quoted What is it?  Ugh I'm not in the mood for this right no... Bunk'd Mini-Reviewed: Up, Up and Away (S3E16; Series Finale [ACTUALLY HOPEFULLY THIS TIME])

I'm actually literally right in the middle of a class right now about the benefits and monetization of and I've been told... So I've been told about an opportunity to experiment on this blog and here's your opportunity to send feedback!

I just cleaned the utter fuck out of the stupid idiotic Disney Channel Live-Action Universe page my-fucking-self.  More news at 11. So after years of talking about it, I finally just did it (Part Deux)

Andi Mack is now the greatest crash-and-burn in network history .  Too bad I'm the only one on this entire planet who really recognizes ... A Brief Overview of A Monkey of Books

I launched a WordPress site. It's...still in early construction. I'm still trying to figure out how to set it up and let Mike post... So after years of talking about it, I finally just did it

Don't call her a tool! Nobody's calling anybody any names here! Alternatively , an entire song about trying to pass Biology with may... Freaky Friday DCOM Reviewed keeping with the strict tradition of this blog, this episode doesn't deserve to get quoted. What is it? 44-minute single-cam cri... Elementary Reviewed: Uncanny Valley of the Dolls (S6E16)

Ok real truth time I’m typing this while drunk (although that was a while ago, I think most of the drunkeness has worn off already. Or maybe... It’s drunk blogging time! Plus I've made up my mind what my trans name will be